paarh parhosan poochh lay naamaa kaa peh chhaan chhavaa-ee ho

Gru 4 soriT ] (657-5)
ghar 4 sorath.
Fourth House, Sorat'h:

pwV pVosix pUiC ly nwmw kw pih Cwin CvweI ho ]
paarh parhosan poochh lay naamaa kaa peh chhaan chhavaa-ee ho.
The woman next door asked Naam Dayv, "Who built your house?

qo pih dugxI mjUrI dYhau mo kau byFI dyhu bqweI ho ]1]
to peh dugnee majooree daiha-o mo ka-o baydhee dayh bataa-ee ho. ||1||
I shall pay him double wages. Tell me, who is your carpenter?"||1||

rI bweI byFI dynu n jweI ]
ree baa-ee baydhee dayn na jaa-ee.
O sister, I cannot give this carpenter to you.

dyKu byFI rihE smweI ]
daykh baydhee rahi-o samaa-ee.
Behold, my carpenter is pervading everywhere.

hmwrY byFI pRwn ADwrw ]1] rhwau ]
hamaarai baydhee paraan aDhaaraa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
My carpenter is the Support of the breath of life. ||1||Pause||

byFI pRIiq mjUrI mWgY jau koaU Cwin CvwvY ho ]
baydhee pareet majooree maaNgai ja-o ko-oo chhaan chhavaavai ho.
This carpenter demands the wages of love, if someone wants Him to build their house.

log kutMb sBhu qy qorY qau Awpn byFI AwvY ho ]2]
log kutamb sabhahu tay torai ta-o aapan baydhee aavai ho. ||2||
When one breaks his ties with all the people and relatives, then the carpenter comes of His own accord. ||2||

AYso byFI brin n swkau sB AMqr sB TWeI ho ]
aiso baydhee baran na saaka-o sabh antar sabh thaaN-ee ho.
I cannot describe such a carpenter, who is contained in everything, everywhere.

gUMgY mhw AMimRq rsu cwiKAw pUCy khnu n jweI ho ]3]
gooNgai mahaa amrit ras chaakhi-aa poochhay kahan na jaa-ee ho. ||3||
The mute tastes the most sublime ambrosial nectar, but if you ask him to describe it, he cannot. ||3||

byFI ky gux suin rI bweI jliD bWiD DR� QwipE ho ]
baydhee kay gun sun ree baa-ee jalaDh baaNDh Dharoo thaapi-o ho.
Listen to the virtues of this carpenter, O sister; He stopped the oceans, and established Dhroo as the pole star.

nwmy ky suAwmI sIA bhorI l�k BBIKx AwipE ho ]4]2]
naamay kay su-aamee see-a bahoree lank bhabheekhan aapi-o ho. ||4||2||
Naam Dayv's Lord Master brought Sita back, and gave Sri Lanka to Bhabheekhan. ||4||2||