paarbarahm parabh simree-ai pi-aaray darsan ka-o bal jaa-o
Awsw mhlw 5 ibrhVy Gru 4 CMqw kI jiq (431-12)aasaa mehlaa 5 birharhay ghar 4 chhantaa kee jat Aasaa, Fifth Mehl, Birharray ~ Songs Of Separation, To Be Sung In The Tune Of The Chhants. Fourth House: |
pwrbRhmu pRBu ismrIAY ipAwry drsn kau bil jwau ]1] ijsu ismrq duK bIsrih ipAwry so ikau qjxw jwie ]2] Remembering Him, sorrows are forgotten, O Beloved; how can one forsake Him? ||2|| iehu qnu vycI sMq pih ipAwry pRIqmu dyie imlwie ]3] I would sell this body to the Saint, O Beloved, if he would lead me to my Dear Lord. ||3|| suK sIgwr ibiKAw ky PIky qij Cofy myrI mwie ]4] The pleasures and adornments of corruption are insipid and useless; I have forsaken and abandoned them, O my Mother. ||4|| kwmu k®oDu loBu qij gey ipAwry siqgur crnI pwie ]5] Lust, anger and greed left me, O Beloved, when I fell at the Feet of the True Guru. ||5|| jo jn rwqy rwm isau ipAwry Anq n kwhU jwie ]6] Those humble beings who are imbued with the Lord, O Beloved, do not go anywhere else. ||6|| hir rsu ijn@I cwiKAw ipAwry iqRpiq rhy AwGwie ]7] Those who have tasted the Lord's sublime essence, O Beloved, remain satisfied and satiated. ||7|| AMclu gihAw swD kw nwnk BY swgru pwir prwie ]8]1]3] One who grasps the Hem of the Gown of the Holy Saint, O Nanak, crosses over the terrible world-ocean. ||8||1||3|| |