paarbarahm nibaahee pooree
soriT mhlw 5 ] (623-8)sorath mehlaa 5. Sorat'h, Fifth Mehl: |
pwrbRhim inbwhI pUrI ] kweI bwq n rhIAw aUrI ] and nothing is left unfinished. guir crn lwie insqwry ] Attached to the Guru's feet, I am saved; hir hir nwmu sm@wry ]1] I contemplate and cherish the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. ||1|| Apny dws kw sdw rKvwlw ] He is forever the Savior of His slaves. kir ikrpw Apuny kir rwKy mwq ipqw ijau pwlw ]1] rhwau ] Bestowing His Mercy, He made me His own and preserved me; like a mother or father, He cherishes me. ||1||Pause|| vfBwgI siqguru pwieAw ] By great good fortune, I found the True Guru, ijin jm kw pMQu imtwieAw ] who obliterated the path of the Messenger of Death. hir Bgiq Bwie icqu lwgw ] My consciousness is focused on loving, devotional worship of the Lord. jip jIvih sy vfBwgw ]2] One who lives in this meditation is very fortunate indeed. ||2|| hir AMimRq bwxI gwvY ] He sings the Ambrosial Word of the Guru's Bani, swDw kI DUrI nwvY ] and bathes in the dust of the feet of the Holy. Apunw nwmu Awpy dIAw ] He Himself bestows His Name. pRB krxhwr riK lIAw ]3] God, the Creator, saves us. ||3|| hir drsn pRwn ADwrw ] The Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan is the support of the breath of life. iehu pUrn ibml bIcwrw ] This is the perfect, pure wisdom. kir ikrpw AMqrjwmI ] The Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts, has granted His Mercy; dws nwnk srix suAwmI ]4]8]58] slave Nanak seeks the Sanctuary of his Lord and Master. ||4||8||58|| |