paarbarahm pooran parmaysur man taa kee ot gaheejai ray
gauVI mhlw 5 ] (209-13)ga-orhee mehlaa 5. Gauree, Fifth Mehl: |
pwrbRhm pUrn prmysur mn qw kI Et ghIjY ry ] ijin Dwry bRhmMf KMf hir qw ko nwmu jpIjY ry ]1] rhwau ] who established the solar systems and galaxies. Chant the Name of that Lord. ||1||Pause|| mn kI miq iqAwghu hir jn hukmu bUiJ suKu pweIAY ry ] Renounce the intellectual cleverness of your mind, O humble servants of the Lord; understanding the Hukam of His Command, peace is found. jo pRBu krY soeI Bl mwnhu suiK duiK EhI iDAweIAY ry ]1] Whatever God does, accept that with pleasure; in comfort and in suffering, meditate on Him. ||1|| koit piqq auDwry iKn mih krqy bwr n lwgY ry ] The Creator emancipates millions of sinners in an instant, without a moment's delay. dIn drd duK BMjn suAwmI ijsu BwvY iqsih invwjY ry ]2] The Lord, the Destroyer of the pain and sorrow of the poor, blesses those with whom He is pleased. ||2|| sB ko mwq ipqw pRiqpwlk jIA pRwn suK swgru ry ] He is Mother and Father, the Cherisher of all; He is the Breath of life of all beings, the Ocean of peace. dyNdy qoit nwhI iqsu krqy pUir rihE rqnwgru ry ]3] While giving so generously, the Creator does not diminish at all. The Source of jewels, He is All-pervading. ||3|| jwicku jwcY nwmu qyrw suAwmI Gt Gt AMqir soeI ry ] The beggar begs for Your Name, O Lord and Master; God is contained deep within the nucleus of each and every heart. nwnku dwsu qw kI srxweI jw qy ibRQw n koeI ry ]4]16]137] Slave Nanak has entered His Sanctuary; no one returns from Him empty-handed. ||4||16||137|| |