paa-i-aa laal ratan man paa-i-aa
gauVI mwlw mhlw 5 ] (215-5)ga-orhee maalaa mehlaa 5. Gauree Maalaa, Fifth Mehl: |
pwieAw lwlu rqnu min pwieAw ] qnu sIqlu mnu sIqlu QIAw sqgur sbid smwieAw ]1] rhwau ] My body is cooled, my mind is cooled and soothed, and I am absorbed into the Shabad, the Word of the True Guru. ||1||Pause|| lwQI BUK iqRsn sB lwQI icMqw sgl ibswrI ] My hunger has departed, my thirst has totally departed, and all my anxiety is forgotten. kru msqik guir pUrY DirE mnu jIqo jgu swrI ]1] The Perfect Guru has placed His Hand upon my forehead; conquering my mind, I have conquered the whole world. ||1|| iqRpiq AGwie rhy ird AMqir foln qy Ab cUky ] Satisfied and satiated, I remain steady within my heart, and now, I do not waver at all. AKutu Kjwnw siqguir dIAw qoit nhI ry mUky ]2] The True Guru has given me the inexhaustible treasure; it never decreases, and never runs out. ||2|| Acrju eyku sunhu ry BweI guir AYsI bUJ buJweI ] Listen to this wonder, O Siblings of Destiny: the Guru has given me this understanding. lwih prdw Twkuru jau ByitE qau ibsrI qwiq prweI ]3] I threw off the veil of illusion, when I met my Lord and Master; then, I forgot my jealousy of others. ||3|| kihE n jweI eyhu AcMBau so jwnY ijin cwiKAw ] This is a wonder which cannot be described. They alone know it, who have tasted it. khu nwnk sc Bey ibgwsw guir inDwnu irdY lY rwiKAw ]4]3]161] Says Nanak, the Truth has been revealed to me. The Guru has given me the treasure; I have taken it and enshrined it within my heart. ||4||3||161|| |