pari-a kee sobh suhaavanee neekee
mlwr mhlw 5 ] (1272-4)malaar mehlaa 5. Malaar, Fifth Mehl: |
ipRA kI soB suhwvnI nIkI ] hwhw hUhU gMDRb Apsrw An�d mMgl rs gwvnI nIkI ]1] rhwau ] The celestial singers and angels sing His Sublime Praises in ecstasy, happiness and joy. ||1||Pause|| Duinq lilq gung� Aink BWiq bhu ibiD rUp idKwvnI nIkI ]1] The most worthy beings sing God's Praises in beautiful harmonies, in all sorts of ways, in myriads of sublime forms. ||1|| igir qr Ql jl Bvn Brpuir Git Git lwln CwvnI nIkI ] Throughout the mountains, trees, deserts, oceans and galaxies, permeating each and every heart, the sublime grandeur of my Love is totally pervading. swDsMig rwmeIAw rsu pwieE nwnk jw kY BwvnI nIkI ]2]3]25] In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, the Love of the Lord is found; O Nanak, sublime is that faith. ||2||3||25|| |