parabh milbay ka-o pareet man laagee
gauVI mhlw 5 ] (204-5)ga-orhee mehlaa 5. Gauree, Fifth Mehl: |
pRB imlby kau pRIiq min lwgI ] pwie lgau moih krau bynqI koaU sMqu imlY bfBwgI ]1] rhwau ] I touch His Feet, and offer my prayer to Him. If only I had the great good fortune to meet the Saint. ||1||Pause|| mnu Arpau Dnu rwKau AwgY mn kI miq moih sgl iqAwgI ] I surrender my mind to Him; I place my wealth before Him. I totally renounce my selfish ways. jo pRB kI hir kQw sunwvY Anidnu iPrau iqsu ipCY ivrwgI ]1] One who teaches me the Sermon of the Lord God - night and day, I shall follow Him. ||1|| pUrb krm AMkur jb pRgty ByitE purKu risk bYrwgI ] When the seed of the karma of past actions sprouted, I met the Lord; He is both the Enjoyer and the Renunciate. imitE AMDyru imlq hir nwnk jnm jnm kI soeI jwgI ]2]2]119] My darkness was dispelled when I met the Lord. O Nanak, after being asleep for countless incarnations, I have awakened. ||2||2||119|| |