parabh tayray pag kee Dhoor

tofI mhlw 5 ] (716-13)
todee mehlaa 5.
Todee, Fifth Mehl:

pRB qyry pg kI DUir ]
parabh tayray pag kee Dhoor.
O God, I am the dust of Your feet.

dIn dieAwl pRIqm mnmohn kir ikrpw myrI locw pUir ] rhwau ]
deen da-i-aal pareetam manmohan kar kirpaa mayree lochaa poor. rahaa-o.
O merciful to the meek, Beloved mind-enticing Lord, by Your Kind Mercy, please fulfill my yearning. ||Pause||

dh ids riv rihAw jsu qumrw AMqrjwmI sdw hjUir ]
dah dis rav rahi-aa jas tumraa antarjaamee sadaa hajoor.
In the ten directions, Your Praises are permeating and pervading, O Inner-knower, Searcher of hearts, O Lord ever-present.

jo qumrw jsu gwvih krqy sy jn kbhu n mrqy JUir ]1]
jo tumraa jas gaavahi kartay say jan kabahu na martay jhoor. ||1||
Those who sing Your Praises, O Creator Lord, those humble beings never die or grieve. ||1||

DMD bMD ibnsy mwieAw ky swDU sMgiq imty ibsUr ]
DhanDh banDh binsay maa-i-aa kay saaDhoo sangat mitay bisoor.
The worldly affairs and entanglements of Maya disappear, in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy; all sorrows are taken away.

suK sMpiq Bog iesu jIA ky ibnu hir nwnk jwny kUr ]2]4]23]
sukh sampat bhog is jee-a kay bin har naanak jaanay koor. ||2||4||23||
The comforts of wealth and the enjoyments of the soul - O Nanak, without the Lord, know them to be false. ||2||4||23||