parabh jee too mayray paraan aDhaarai
iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] (820-10)bilaaval mehlaa 5. Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl: |
pRB jI qU myry pRwn ADwrY ] nmskwr fMfauiq bMdnw Aink bwr jwau bwrY ]1] rhwau ] I how in humility and reverence to You; so many times, I am a sacrifice. ||1||Pause|| aUTq bYTq sovq jwgq iehu mnu quJih icqwrY ] Sitting down, standing up, sleeping and waking, this mind thinks of You. sUK dUK iesu mn kI ibrQw quJ hI AwgY swrY ]1] I describe to You my pleasure and pain, and the state of this mind. ||1|| qU myrI Et bl buiD Dnu qum hI qumih myrY prvwrY ] You are my shelter and support, power, intellect and wealth; You are my family. jo qum krhu soeI Bl hmrY pyiK nwnk suK crnwrY ]2]2]82] Whatever You do, I know that is good. Gazing upon Your Lotus Feet, Nanak is at peace. ||2||2||82|| |