parabh ihai manorath mayraa
dyvgMDwrI mhlw 5 ] (533-9)dayvganDhaaree mehlaa 5. Dayv-Gandhaaree, Fifth Mehl: |
pRB iehY mnorQu myrw ] ik®pw inDwn dieAwl moih dIjY kir sMqn kw cyrw ] rhwau ] O treasure of kindness, O Merciful Lord, please make me the slave of your Saints. ||Pause|| pRwqhkwl lwgau jn crnI ins bwsur drsu pwvau ] In the early hours of the morning, I fall at the feet of Your humble servants; night and day, I obtain the Blessed Vision of their Darshan. qnu mnu Arip krau jn syvw rsnw hir gun gwvau ]1] Dedicating my body and mind, I serve the humble servant of the Lord; with my tongue, I sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||1|| swis swis ismrau pRBu Apunw sMqsMig inq rhIAY ] With each and every breath, I meditate in remembrance on my God; I live continually in the Society of the Saints. eyku ADwru nwmu Dnu morw Andu nwnk iehu lhIAY ]2]26] The Naam, the Name of the Lord, is my only support and wealth; O Nanak, from this, I obtain bliss. ||2||26|| |