parathmay garabh maataa kai vaasaa oohaa chhod Dharan meh aa-i-aa
gUjrI mhlw 5 pMcpdw Gru 2 (497-10)goojree mehlaa 5 panchpadaa ghar 2 Goojaree, Fifth Mehl, Panch-Pada, Second House: |
pRQmy grB mwqw kY vwsw aUhw Coif Drin mih AwieAw ] icqR swl suMdr bwg mMdr sMig n kChU jwieAw ]1] Splendid mansions, beautiful gardens and palaces - none of these shall go with him. ||1|| Avr sB imiQAw loB lbI ] All other greeds of the greedy are false. guir pUrY dIE hir nwmw jIA kau eyhw vsqu PbI ]1] rhwau ] The Perfect Guru has given me the Name of the Lord, which my soul has come to treasure. ||1||Pause|| iest mIq bMDp suq BweI sMig binqw ric hisAw ] Surrounded by dear friends, relatives, children, siblings and spouse, he laughs playfully. jb AMqI Aausru Awie binE hY aun@ pyKq hI kwil gRisAw ]2] But when the very last moment arrives, Death seizes him, while they merely look on. ||2|| kir kir AnrQ ibhwJI sMpY suienw rUpw dwmw ] By continual oppression and exploitation, he accumulates wealth, gold, silver and money, BwVI kau Ehu BwVw imilAw horu sgl BieE ibrwnw ]3] but the load-bearer gets only paltry wages, while the rest of the money passes on to others. ||3|| hYvr gYvr rQ sMbwhy ghu kir kIny myry ] He grabs and collects horses, elephants and chariots, and claims them as his own. jb qy hoeI lWmI DweI clih nwhI iek pYry ]4] But when he sets out on the long journey, they will not go even one step with him. ||4|| nwmu Dnu nwmu suK rwjw nwmu kutMb shweI ] The Naam, the Name of the Lord, is my wealth; the Naam is my princely pleasure; the Naam is my family and helper. nwmu sMpiq guir nwnk kau dIeI Eh mrY n AwvY jweI ]5]1]8] The Guru has given Nanak the wealth of the Naam; it neither perishes, nor comes or goes. ||5||1||8|| |