nahee chhoda-o ray baabaa raam naam
bsMqu kbIr jIau (1194-6)basant kabeer jee-o. Basant Kabeer Jee: |
pRhlwd pTwey pVn swl ] sMig sKw bhu lIey bwl ] He took many of his friends along with him. mo kau khw pV@wvis Awl jwl ] He asked his teacher, "Why do you teach me about worldly affairs? myrI ptIAw iliK dyhu sRI guopwl ]1] Write the Name of the Dear Lord on my tablet."||1|| nhI Cofau ry bwbw rwm nwm ] O Baba, I will not forsake the Name of the Lord. myro Aaur pV@n isau nhI kwmu ]1] rhwau ] I will not bother with any other lessons. ||1||Pause|| sMfY mrkY kihE jwie ] Sanda and Marka went to the king to complain. pRhlwd bulwey byig Dwie ] He sent for Prahlaad to come at once. qU rwm khn kI Cofu bwin ] He said to him, "Stop uttering the Lord's Name. quJu qurqu CfwaU myro kihE mwin ]2] I shall release you at once, if you obey my words."||2|| mo kau khw sqwvhu bwr bwr ] Prahlaad answered, "Why do you annoy me, over and over again? pRiB jl Ql igir kIey phwr ] God created the water, land, hills and mountains. ieku rwmu n Cofau gurih gwir ] I shall not forsake the One Lord; if I did, I would be going against my Guru. mo kau Gwil jwir BwvY mwir fwir ]3] You might as well throw me into the fire and kill me."||3|| kwiF KVgu koipE irswie ] The king became angry and drew his sword. quJ rwKnhwro moih bqwie ] "Show me your protector now!" pRB QMB qy inksy kY ibsQwr ] So God emerged out of the pillar, and assumed a mighty form. hrnwKsu CyidE nK ibdwr ]4] He killed Harnaakhash, tearing him apart with his nails. ||4|| Eie prm purK dyvwiD dyv ] The Supreme Lord God, the Divinity of the divine, Bgiq hyiq nrisMG Byv ] for the sake of His devotee, assumed the form of the man-lion. kih kbIr ko lKY n pwr ] Says Kabeer, no one can know the Lord's limits. pRhlwd auDwry Aink bwr ]5]4] He saves His devotees like Prahlaad over and over again. ||5||4|| |