parmaysar ho-aa da-i-aal
mlwr mhlw 5 ] (1271-1)malaar mehlaa 5. Malaar, Fifth Mehl: |
prmysru hoAw dieAwlu ] myGu vrsY AMimRq Dwr ] Ambrosial Nectar is raining down from the clouds. sgly jIA jMq iqRpqwsy ] All beings and creatures are satisfied; kwrj Awey pUry rwsy ]1] their affairs are perfectly resolved. ||1|| sdw sdw mn nwmu sm@wil ] O my mind, dwell on the Lord, forever and ever. gur pUry kI syvw pwieAw AYQY EQY inbhY nwil ]1] rhwau ] Serving the Perfect Guru, I have obtained it. It shall stay with me both here and hereafter. ||1||Pause|| duKu BMnw BY BMjnhwr ] He is the Destroyer of pain, the Eradicator of fear. AwpixAw jIAw kI kIqI swr ] He takes care of His beings. rwKnhwr sdw imhrvwn ] The Savior Lord is kind and compassionate forever. sdw sdw jweIAY kurbwn ]2] I am a sacrifice to Him, forever and ever. ||2|| kwlu gvwieAw krqY Awip ] The Creator Himself has eliminated death. sdw sdw mn iqs no jwip ] Meditate on Him forever and ever, O my mind. idRsit Dwir rwKy siB jMq ] He watches all with His Glance of Grace and protects them. gux gwvhu inq inq BgvMq ]3] Continually and continuously, sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord God. ||3|| eyko krqw Awpy Awp ] The One and Only Creator Lord is Himself by Himself. hir ky Bgq jwxih prqwp ] The Lord's devotees know His Glorious Grandeur. nwvY kI pYj rKdw AwieAw ] He preserves the Honor of His Name. nwnku bolY iqs kw bolwieAw ]4]3]21] Nanak speaks as the Lord inspires him to speak. ||4||3||21|| |