thaakur aiso naam tumHaaro

gUjrI mhlw 5 dupdy Gru 2 (498-5)
goojree mehlaa 5 dupday ghar 2
Goojaree, Fifth Mehl, Du-Padas, Second House:

piqq pivqR lIey kir Apuny sgl krq nmskwro ]
patit pavitar lee-ay kar apunay sagal karat namaskaaro.
The Lord has sanctified the sinners and made them His own; all bow in reverence to Him.

brnu jwiq koaU pUCY nwhI bwCih crn rvwro ]1]
baran jaat ko-oo poochhai naahee baachheh charan ravaaro. ||1||
No one asks about their ancestry and social status; instead, they yearn for the dust of their feet. ||1||

Twkur AYso nwmu qum@wro ]
thaakur aiso naam tumHaaro.
O Lord Master, such is Your Name.

sgl isRsit ko DxI khIjY jn ko AMgu inrwro ]1] rhwau ]
sagal sarisat ko Dhanee kaheejai jan ko ang niraaro. ||1|| rahaa-o.
You are called the Lord of all creation; You give Your unique support to Your servant. ||1||Pause||

swDsMig nwnk buiD pweI hir kIrqnu AwDwro ]
saaDhsang naanak buDh paa-ee har keertan aaDhaaro.
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, Nanak has obtained understanding; singing the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises is his only support.

nwmdyau iqRlocnu kbIr dwsro mukiq BieE cMimAwro ]2]1]10]
naamday-o tarilochan kabeer daasro mukat bha-i-o chammi-aaro. ||2||1||10||
The Lord's servants, Naam Dayv, Trilochan, Kabeer and Ravi Daas the shoe-maker have been liberated. ||2||1||10||