patit uDhaaran taaran bal bal balay bal jaa-ee-ai
mwrU mhlw 5 ] (1005-16)maaroo mehlaa 5. Maaroo, Fifth Mehl: |
piqq auDwrn qwrn bil bil bly bil jweIAY ] AYsw koeI BytY sMqu ijqu hir hry hir iDAweIAY ]1] If only I could meet with such a Saint, who would inspire me to meditate on the Lord, Har, Har, Har. ||1|| mo kau koie n jwnq khIAq dwsu qumwrw ] No one knows me; I am called Your slave. eyhw Et AwDwrw ]1] rhwau ] This is my support and sustenance. ||1||Pause|| srb Dwrn pRiqpwrn iek ibnau dInw ] You support and cherish all; I am meek and humble - this is my only prayer. qumrI ibiD qum hI jwnhu qum jl hm mInw ]2] You alone know Your Way; You are the water, and I am the fish. ||2|| pUrn ibsQIrn suAwmI Awih AwieE pwCY ] O Perfect and Expansive Lord and Master, I follow You in love. sglo BU mMfl KMfl pRB qum hI AwCY ]3] O God, You are pervading all the worlds, solar systems and galaxies. ||3|| Atl AKieE dyvw mohn AlK Apwrw ] You are eternal and unchanging, imperishable, invisible and infinite, O divine fascinating Lord. dwnu pwvau sMqw sMgu nwnk rynu dwswrw ]4]6]22] Please bless Nanak with the gift of the Society of the Saints, and the dust of the feet of Your slaves. ||4||6||22|| |