sabh mad maatay ko-oo na jaag
bsMq kbIr jIau ] (1193-17)basant kabeer jee-o. Basant Kabeer Jee: |
pMifq jn mwqy piV@ purwn ] jogI mwqy jog iDAwn ] The Yogis are intoxicated in Yoga and meditation. sMinAwsI mwqy AhMmyv ] The Sannyaasees are intoxicated in egotism. qpsI mwqy qp kY Byv ]1] The penitents are intoxicated with the mystery of penance. ||1|| sB md mwqy koaU n jwg ] All are intoxicated with the wine of Maya; no one is awake and aware. sMg hI cor Gru musn lwg ]1] rhwau ] The thieves are with them, plundering their homes. ||1||Pause|| jwgY sukdyau Aru AkUru ] Suk Dayv and Akrur are awake and aware. hxvMqu jwgY Dir l�kUru ] Hanuman with his tail is awake and aware. sMkru jwgY crn syv ] Shiva is awake, serving at the Lord's Feet. kil jwgy nwmw jYdyv ]2] Naam Dayv and Jai Dayv are awake in this Dark Age of Kali Yuga. ||2|| jwgq sovq bhu pRkwr ] There are many ways of being awake, and sleeping. gurmuiK jwgY soeI swru ] To be awake as Gurmukh is the most excellent way. iesu dyhI ky AiDk kwm ] The most sublime of all the actions of this body, kih kbIr Bij rwm nwm ]3]2] says Kabeer, is to meditate and vibrate on the Lord's Name. ||3||2|| |