neech jaat har japti-aa utam padvee paa-ay
sUhI mhlw 4 Gru 6 (733-7)soohee mehlaa 4 ghar 6 Soohee, Fourth Mehl, Sixth House: |
nIc jwiq hir jpiqAw auqm pdvI pwie ] pUChu ibdr dwsI suqY iksnu auqirAw Gir ijsu jwie ]1] Go and ask Bidar, the son of a maid; Krishna himself stayed in his house. ||1|| hir kI AkQ kQw sunhu jn BweI ijqu shsw dUK BUK sB lih jwie ]1] rhwau ] Listen, O humble Siblings of Destiny, to the Unspoken Speech of the Lord; it removes all anxiety, pain and hunger. ||1||Pause|| rivdwsu cmwru ausqiq kry hir kIriq inmK iek gwie ] Ravi Daas, the leather-worker, praised the Lord, and sang the Kirtan of His Praises each and every instant. piqq jwiq auqmu BieAw cwir vrn pey pig Awie ]2] Although he was of low social status, he was exalted and elevated, and people of all four castes came and bowed at his feet. ||2|| nwmdyA pRIiq lgI hir syqI loku CIpw khY bulwie ] Naam Dayv loved the Lord; the people called him a fabric dyer. KqRI bRwhmx ipiT dy Cofy hir nwmdyau lIAw muiK lwie ]3] The Lord turned His back on the high-class Kh'shaatriyas and Brahmins, and showed His face to Naam Dayv. ||3|| ijqny Bgq hir syvkw muiK ATsiT qIrQ iqn iqlku kFwie ] All of the devotees and servants of the Lord have the tilak, the ceremonial mark, applied to their foreheads at the sixty-eight sacred shrines of pilgrimage. jnu nwnku iqn kau Anidnu prsy jy ik®pw kry hir rwie ]4]1]8] Servant Nanak shall touch their feet night and day, if the Lord, the King, grants His Grace. ||4||1||8|| |