nirDhan ka-o tum dayvhu Dhanaa
BYrau mhlw 5 ] (1146-1)bhairo mehlaa 5. Bhairao, Fifth Mehl: |
inrDn kau qum dyvhu Dnw ] Aink pwp jwih inrml mnw ] Countless sins are taken away, and the mind becomes immaculate and pure. sgl mnorQ pUrn kwm ] All the mind's desires are fulfilled, and one's tasks are perfectly accomplished. Bgq Apuny kau dyvhu nwm ]1] You bestow Your Name upon Your devotee. ||1|| sPl syvw gopwl rwie ] Service to the Lord, our Sovereign King, is fruitful and rewarding. krn krwvnhwr suAwmI qw qy ibrQw koie n jwie ]1] rhwau ] Our Lord and Master is the Creator, the Cause of causes; no one is turned away from His Door empty-handed. ||1||Pause|| rogI kw pRB KMfhu rogu ] God eradicates the disease from the diseased person. duKIey kw imtwvhu pRB sogu ] God takes away the sorrows of the suffering. inQwvy kau qum@ Qwin bYTwvhu ] And those who have no place at all - You seat them upon the place. dws Apny kau BgqI lwvhu ]2] You link Your slave to devotional worship. ||2|| inmwxy kau pRB dyqo mwnu ] God bestows honor on the dishonored. mUV mugDu hoie cqur suigAwnu ] He makes the foolish and ignorant become clever and wise. sgl BieAwn kw Bau nsY ] The fear of all fear disappears. jn Apny kY hir min bsY ]3] The Lord dwells within the mind of His humble servant. ||3|| pwrbRhm pRB sUK inDwn ] The Supreme Lord God is the Treasure of Peace. qqu igAwnu hir AMimRq nwm ] The Ambrosial Name of the Lord is the essence of reality. kir ikrpw sMq thlY lwey ] Granting His Grace, He enjoins the mortals to serve the Saints. nwnk swDU sMig smwey ]4]23]36] O Nanak, such a person merges in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. ||4||23||36|| |