say-ee sundar sohnay
mwJ mhlw 5 Gru 2 ] (132-8)maajh mehlaa 5 ghar 2. Maajh, Fifth Mehl, Second House: |
inq inq dXu smwlIAY ] mUil n mnhu ivswrIAY ] rhwau ] Never forget Him from your mind. ||Pause|| sMqw sMgiq pweIAY ] Join the Society of the Saints, ijqu jm kY pMiQ n jweIAY ] and you shall not have to go down the path of Death. qosw hir kw nwmu lY qyry kulih n lwgY gwil jIau ]1] Take the Provisions of the Lord's Name with you, and no stain shall attach itself to your family. ||1|| jo ismrMdy sWeIAY ] Those who meditate on the Master nrik n syeI pweIAY ] shall not be thrown down into hell. qqI vwau n lgeI ijn min vuTw Awie jIau ]2] Even the hot winds shall not touch them. The Lord has come to dwell within their minds. ||2|| syeI suMdr sohxy ] They alone are beautiful and attractive, swDsMig ijn bYhxy ] who abide in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. hir Dnu ijnI sMijAw syeI gMBIr Apwr jIau ]3] Those who have gathered in the wealth of the Lord's Name-they alone are deep and thoughtful and vast. ||3|| hir Aimau rswiexu pIvIAY ] Drink in the Ambrosial Essence of the Name, muih ifTY jn kY jIvIAY ] and live by beholding the face of the Lord's servant. kwrj siB svwir lY inq pUjhu gur ky pwv jIau ]4] Let all your affairs be resolved, by continually worshipping the Feet of the Guru. ||4|| jo hir kIqw Awpxw ] iqnih gusweI jwpxw ] He alone meditates on the Lord of the World, whom the Lord has made His Own. so sUrw prDwnu so msqik ijs dY Bwgu jIau ]5] He alone is a warrior, and he alone is the chosen one, upon whose forehead good destiny is recorded. ||5|| mn mMDy pRBu AvgwhIAw ] Within my mind, I meditate on God. eyih rs Bogx pwiqswhIAw ] For me, this is like the enjoyment of princely pleasures. mMdw mUil n aupijE qry scI kwrY lwig jIau ]6] Evil does not well up within me, since I am saved, and dedicated to truthful actions. ||6|| krqw mMin vswieAw ] I have enshrined the Creator within my mind; jnmY kw Plu pwieAw ] I have obtained the fruits of life's rewards. min BwvMdw kMqu hir qyrw iQru hoAw sohwgu jIau ]7] If your Husband Lord is pleasing to your mind, then your married life shall be eternal. ||7|| Atl pdwrQu pwieAw ] I have obtained everlasting wealth; BY BMjn kI srxwieAw ] I have found the Sanctuary of the Dispeller of fear. lwie AMcil nwnk qwirAnu ijqw jnmu Apwr jIau ]8]4]38] Grasping hold of the hem of the Lord's robe, Nanak is saved. He has won the incomparable life. ||8||4||38|| |