nindak aisay hee jhar paree-ai
iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] (823-6)bilaaval mehlaa 5. Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl: |
inMdku AYsy hI Jir prIAY ] ieh nIswnI sunhu qum BweI ijau kwlr BIiq igrIAY ]1] rhwau ] This is the distinctive sign - listen, O Siblings of Destiny: he collapses like a wall of sand. ||1||Pause|| jau dyKY iCdRü qau inMdku aumwhY Blo dyiK duK BrIAY ] When the slanderer sees a fault in someone else, he is pleased. Seeing goodness, he is depressed. AwT phr icqvY nhI phucY burw icqvq icqvq mrIAY ]1] Twenty-four hours a day, he plots, but nothing works. The evil man dies, constantly thinking up evil plans. ||1|| inMdku pRBU BulwieAw kwlu nyrY AwieAw hir jn isau bwdu auTrIAY ] The slanderer forgets God, death approaches him, and he starts to argue with the humble servant of the Lord. nwnk kw rwKw Awip pRBu suAwmI ikAw mwns bpury krIAY ]2]9]95] God Himself, the Lord and Master, is Nanak's protector. What can any wretched person do to him? ||2||9||95|| |