mayray pareetamaa ha-o jeevaa naam Dhi-aa-ay
isrIrwgu mhlw 4 ] (40-4)sireeraag mehlaa 4. Siree Raag, Fourth Mehl: |
nwmu imlY mnu iqRpqIAY ibnu nwmY iDRgu jIvwsu ] koeI gurmuiK sjxu jy imlY mY dsy pRBu guxqwsu ] If I meet the Gurmukh, my Spiritual Friend, he will show me God, the Treasure of Excellence. hau iqsu ivthu cau KMnIAY mY nwm kry prgwsu ]1] I am every bit a sacrifice to one who reveals to me the Naam. ||1|| myry pRIqmw hau jIvw nwmu iDAwie ] O my Beloved, I live by meditating on Your Name. ibnu nwvY jIvxu nw QIAY myry siqgur nwmu idRVwie ]1] rhwau ] Without Your Name, my life does not even exist. My True Guru has implanted the Naam within me. ||1||Pause|| nwmu Amolku rqnu hY pUry siqgur pwis ] The Naam is a Priceless Jewel; it is with the Perfect True Guru. siqgur syvY ligAw kiF rqnu dyvY prgwis ] When one is enjoined to serve the True Guru, He brings out this Jewel and bestows this enlightenment. DMnu vfBwgI vf BwgIAw jo Awie imly gur pwis ]2] Blessed, and most fortunate of the very fortunate, are those who come to meet the Guru. ||2|| ijnw siqguru purKu n ByitE sy BwghIx vis kwl ] Those who have not met the Primal Being, the True Guru, are most unfortunate, and are subject to death. Eie iPir iPir join BvweIAih ivic ivstw kir ivkrwl ] They wander in reincarnation over and over again, as the most disgusting maggots in manure. Enw pwis duAwis n iBtIAY ijn AMqir k®oDu cMfwl ]3] Do not meet with, or even approach those people, whose hearts are filled with horrible anger. ||3|| siqguru purKu AMimRq sru vfBwgI nwvih Awie ] The True Guru, the Primal Being, is the Pool of Ambrosial Nectar. The very fortunate ones come to bathe in it. aun jnm jnm kI mYlu auqrY inrml nwmu idRVwie ] The filth of many incarnations is washed away, and the Immaculate Naam is implanted within. jn nwnk auqm pdu pwieAw siqgur kI ilv lwie ]4]2]66] Servant Nanak has obtained the most exalted state, lovingly attuned to the True Guru. ||4||2||66|| |