naam Dhi-aa-ay so sukhee tis mukh oojal ho-ay
sRIrwgu mhlw 5 ] (44-18)sareeraag mehlaa 5. Siree Raag, Fifth Mehl: |
nwmu iDAwey so suKI iqsu muKu aUjlu hoie ] pUry gur qy pweIAY prgtu sBnI loie ] Obtaining it from the Perfect Guru, he is honored all over the world. swDsMgiq kY Gir vsY eyko scw soie ]1] In the Company of the Holy, the One True Lord comes to abide within the home of the self. ||1|| myry mn hir hir nwmu iDAwie ] O my mind, meditate on the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. nwmu shweI sdw sMig AwgY ley Cfwie ]1] rhwau ] The Naam is your Companion; it shall always be with you. It shall save you in the world hereafter. ||1||Pause|| dunIAw kIAw vifAweIAw kvnY Awvih kwim ] What good is worldly greatness? mwieAw kw rMgu sBu iPkw jwqo ibnis indwin ] All the pleasures of Maya are tasteless and insipid. In the end, they shall all fade away. jw kY ihrdY hir vsY so pUrw prDwnu ]2] Perfectly fulfilled and supremely acclaimed is the one, in whose heart the Lord abides. ||2|| swDU kI hohu ryxukw Apxw Awpu iqAwig ] Become the dust of the Saints; renounce your selfishness and conceit. aupwv isAwxp sgl Cif gur kI crxI lwgu ] Give up all your schemes and your clever mental tricks, and fall at the Feet of the Guru. iqsih prwpiq rqnu hoie ijsu msqik hovY Bwgu ]3] He alone receives the Jewel, upon whose forehead such wondrous destiny is written. ||3|| iqsY prwpiq BweIho ijsu dyvY pRBu Awip ] O Siblings of Destiny, it is received only when God Himself bestows it. siqgur kI syvw so kry ijsu ibnsY haumY qwpu ] People serve the True Guru only when the fever of egotism has been eradicated. nwnk kau guru ByitAw ibnsy sgl sMqwp ]4]8]78] Nanak has met the Guru; all his sufferings have come to an end. ||4||8||78|| |