naath kachhoo-a na jaan-o
jYqsrI bwxI Bgqw kI (710-15)jaitsaree banee bhagtaa kee Jaitsree, The Word Of The Devotees: |
nwQ kCUA n jwnau ] mnu mwieAw kY hwiQ ibkwnau ]1] rhwau ] My mind has sold out, and is in Maya's hands. ||1||Pause|| qum khIAq hO jgq gur suAwmI ] You are called the Lord and Master, the Guru of the World. hm khIAq kiljug ky kwmI ]1] I am called a lustful being of the Dark Age of Kali Yuga. ||1|| ien pMcn myro mnu ju ibgwirE ] The five vices have corrupted my mind. plu plu hir jI qy AMqru pwirE ]2] Moment by moment, they lead me further away from the Lord. ||2|| jq dyKau qq duK kI rwsI ] Wherever I look, I see loads of pain and suffering. AjON n pq�wie ingm Bey swKI ]3] I do not have faith, even though the Vedas bear witness to the Lord. ||3|| goqm nwir aumwpiq sÍwmI ] sIsu Drin shs Bg gWmI ]4] Shiva cut off Brahma's head, and Gautam's wife and the Lord Indra mated; Brahma's head got stuck to Shiva's hand, and Indra came to bear the marks of a thousand female organs. ||4|| ien dUqn Klu bDu kir mwirE ] These demons have fooled, bound and destroyed me. bfo inlwju AjhU nhI hwirE ]5] I am very shameless - even now, I am not tired of them. ||5|| kih rivdws khw kYsy kIjY ] Says Ravi Daas, what am I to do now? ibnu rGunwQ srin kw kI lIjY ]6]1] Without the Sanctuary of the Lord's Protection, who else's should I seek? ||6||1|| |