lahnay Dhari-on chhat sir kar siftee amrit peevdai

rwmklI kI vwr rwie blvMif qQw sqY fUim AwKI (966-15)
raamkalee kee vaar raa-ay balvand tathaa satai doom aakhee
Vaar Of Raamkalee, Uttered By Satta And Balwand The Drummer:

nwau krqw kwdru kry ikau bolu hovY joKIvdY ]
naa-o kartaa kaadar karay ki-o bol hovai jokheevadai.
One who chants the Name of the Almighty Creator - how can his words be judged?

dy gunw siq BYx Brwv hY pwrMgiq dwnu pVIvdY ]
day gunaa sat bhain bharaav hai paarangat daan parheevadai.
His divine virtues are the true sisters and brothers; through them, the gift of supreme status is obtained.

nwnik rwju clwieAw scu kotu sqwxI nIv dY ]
naanak raaj chalaa-i-aa sach kot sataanee neev dai.
Nanak established the kingdom; He built the true fortress on the strongest foundations.

lhxy DirEnu Cqu isir kir isPqI AMimRqu pIvdY ]
lahnay Dhari-on chhat sir kar siftee amrit peevdai.
He installed the royal canopy over Lehna's head; chanting the Lord's Praises, He drank in the Ambrosial Nectar.

miq gur Awqm dyv dI KVig joir prwkuie jIA dY ]
mat gur aatam dayv dee kharhag jor puraaku-ay jee-a dai.
The Guru implanted the almighty sword of the Teachings to illuminate his soul.

guir cyly rhrwis kIeI nwnik slwmiq QIvdY ]
gur chaylay rahraas kee-ee naanak salaamat theevdai.
The Guru bowed down to His disciple, while Nanak was still alive.

sih itkw idqosu jIvdY ]1]
seh tikaa ditos jeevdai. ||1||
The King, while still alive, applied the ceremonial mark to his forehead. ||1||

lhxy dI PyrweIAY nwnkw dohI KtIAY ]
lahnay dee fayraa-ee-ai naankaa dohee khatee-ai.
Nanak proclaimed Lehna's succession - he earned it.

joiq Ehw jugiq swie sih kwieAw Pyir pltIAY ]
jot ohaa jugat saa-ay seh kaa-i-aa fayr paltee-ai.
They shared the One Light and the same way; the King just changed His body.

JulY su Cqu inrMjnI mil qKqu bYTw gur htIAY ]
jhulai so chhat niranjanee mal takhat baithaa gur hatee-ai.
The immaculate canopy waves over Him, and He sits on the throne in the Guru's shop.

krih ij gur PurmwieAw isl jogu AlUxI ctIAY ]
karahi je gur furmaa-i-aa sil jog aloonee chatee-ai.
He does as the Guru commands; He tasted the tasteless stone of Yoga.

l�gru clY gur sbid hir qoit n AwvI KtIAY ]
langar chalai gur sabad har tot na aavee khatee-ai.
The Langar - the Kitchen of the Guru's Shabad has been opened, and its supplies never run short.

Krcy idiq KsMm dI Awp KhdI KYir dbtIAY ]
kharchay dit khasamm dee aap khahdee khair dabtee-ai.
Whatever His Master gave, He spent; He distributed it all to be eaten.

hovY isPiq KsMm dI nUru Arshu kurshu JtIAY ]
hovai sifat khasamm dee noor arsahu kursahu jhatee-ai.
The Praises of the Master were sung, and the Divine Light descended from the heavens to the earth.

quDu ifTy scy pwiqswh mlu jnm jnm dI ktIAY ]
tuDh dithay sachay paatisaah mal janam janam dee katee-ai.
Gazing upon You, O True King, the filth of countless past lives is washed away.

scu ij guir PurmwieAw ikau eydU bolhu htIAY ]
sach je gur furmaa-i-aa ki-o aydoo bolhu hatee-ai.
The Guru gave the True Command; why should we hesitate to proclaim this?

puqRI kaulu n pwilE kir pIrhu kMn@ murtIAY ]
putree ka-ul na paali-o kar peerahu kanH murtee-ai.
His sons did not obey His Word; they turned their backs on Him as Guru.

idil KotY AwkI iPrin@ bMin@ Bwru aucwiein@ CtIAY ]
dil khotai aakee firniH baneh bhaar uchaa-iniH chhatee-ai.
These evil-hearted ones became rebellious; they carry loads of sin on their backs.

ijin AwKI soeI kry ijin kIqI iqnY QtIAY ]
jin aakhee so-ee karay jin keetee tinai thatee-ai.
Whatever the Guru said, Lehna did, and so he was installed on the throne.

kauxu hwry ikin auvtIAY ]2]
ka-un haaray kin uvtee-ai. ||2||