jee-a-o hamaaraa jee-o daynhaaraa

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (390-1)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

nw Ehu mrqw nw hm firAw ]
naa oh martaa naa ham dari-aa.
He does not die, so I do not fear.

nw Ehu ibnsY nw hm kiVAw ]
naa oh binsai naa ham karhi-aa.
He does not perish, so I do not grieve.

nw Ehu inrDnu nw hm BUKy ]
naa oh nirDhan naa ham bhookhay.
He is not poor, so I do not hunger.

nw Esu dUKu n hm kau dUKy ]1]
naa os dookh na ham ka-o dookhay. ||1||
He is not in pain, so I do not suffer. ||1||

Avru n koaU mwrnvwrw ]
avar na ko-oo maaranvaaraa.
There is no other Destroyer than Him.

jIAau hmwrw jIau dynhwrw ]1] rhwau ]
jee-a-o hamaaraa jee-o daynhaaraa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He is my very life, the Giver of life. ||1||Pause||

nw ausu bMDn nw hm bwDy ]
naa us banDhan naa ham baaDhay.
He is not bound, so I am not in bondage.

nw ausu DMDw nw hm DwDy ]
naa us DhanDhaa naa ham DhaaDhay.
He has no occupation, so I have no entanglements.

nw ausu mYlu n hm kau mYlw ]
naa us mail na ham ka-o mailaa.
He has no impurities, so I have no impurities.

Esu An�du q hm sd kylw ]2]
os anand ta ham sad kaylaa. ||2||
He is in ecstasy, so I am always happy. ||2||

nw ausu socu n hm kau socw ]
naa us soch na ham ka-o sochaa.
He has no anxiety, so I have no cares.

nw ausu lypu n hm kau pocw ]
naa us layp na ham ka-o pochaa.
He has no stain, so I have no pollution.

nw ausu BUK n hm kau iqRsnw ]
naa us bhookh na ham ka-o tarisnaa.
He has no hunger, so I have no thirst.

jw auhu inrmlu qW hm jcnw ]3]
jaa uho nirmal taaN ham jachnaa. ||3||
Since He is immaculately pure, I correspond to Him. ||3||

hm ikCu nwhI eykY EhI ]
ham kichh naahee aykai ohee.
I am nothing; He is the One and only.

AwgY pwCY eyko soeI ]
aagai paachhai ayko so-ee.
Before and after, He alone exists.

nwnk guir Koey BRm BMgw ]
naanak gur kho-ay bharam bhangaa.
O Nanak, the Guru has taken away my doubts and mistakes;

hm Eie imil hoey iek rMgw ]4]32]83]
ham o-ay mil ho-ay ik rangaa. ||4||32||83||
He and I, joining together, are of the same color. ||4||32||83||