Dhaa-i-o ray man dah dis Dhaa-i-o
tofI mhlw 5 Gru 2 caupdy (712-5)todee mehlaa 5 ghar 2 cha-upday Todee, Fifth Mehl, Second House, Chau-Padas: |
DwieE ry mn dh ids DwieE ] mwieAw mgn suAwid loiB moihE iqin pRiB Awip BulwieE ] rhwau ] It is intoxicated by Maya, enticed by the taste of greed. God Himself has deluded it. ||Pause|| hir kQw hir js swDsMgiq isau ieku muhqu n iehu mnu lwieE ] He does not focus his mind, even for a moment, on the Lord's sermon, or the Lord's Praises, or the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. ibgisE pyiK rMgu ksuMB ko pr igRh johin jwieE ]1] He is excited, gazing on the transitory color of the safflower, and looking at other men's wives. ||1|| crn kml isau Bwau n kIno nh sq purKu mnwieE ] He does not love the Lord's lotus feet, and he does not please the True Lord. Dwvq kau Dwvih bhu BwqI ijau qylI bldu BRmwieE ]2] He runs around chasing the fleeting objects of the world, in all directions, like the ox around the oil press. ||2|| nwm dwnu iesnwnu n kIE iek inmK n kIriq gwieE ] He does not practice the Naam, the Name of the Lord; nor does he practice charity or inner cleansing. nwnw JUiT lwie mnu qoiKE nh bUiJE ApnwieE ]3] He does not sing the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises, even for an instant. Clinging to his many falsehoods, he does not please his own mind, and he does not understand his own self. ||3|| praupkwr n kbhU kIey nhI siqguru syiv iDAwieE ] He never does good deeds for others; he does not serve or meditate on the True Guru. pMc dUq ric sMgiq gosit mqvwro md mwieE ]4] He is entangled in the company and the advice of the five demons, intoxicated by the wine of Maya. ||4|| krau bynqI swDsMgiq hir Bgiq vCl suix AwieE ] I offer my prayer in the Saadh Sangat; hearing that the Lord is the Lover of His devotees, I have come. nwnk Bwig pirE hir pwCY rwKu lwj ApunwieE ]5]1]3] Nanak runs after the Lord, and pleads, "Protect my honor, Lord, and make me Your own."||5||1||3|| |