Dhan uh pareet charan sang laagee
kwnVw mhlw 5 ] (1301-9)kaanrhaa mehlaa 5. Kaanraa, Fifth Mehl: |
Din auh pRIiq crn sMig lwgI ] koit jwp qwp suK pwey Awie imly pUrn bfBwgI ]1] rhwau ] The peace which comes from millions of chants and deep meditations is obtained by perfect good fortune and destiny. ||1||Pause|| moih AnwQu dwsu jnu qyrw Avr Et sglI moih iqAwgI ] I am Your helpless servant and slave; I have given up all other support. Bor Brm kwty pRB ismrq igAwn AMjn imil sovq jwgI ]1] Every trace of doubt has been eradicated, remembering God in meditation. I have applied the ointment of spiritual wisdom, and awakened from my sleep. ||1|| qU AQwhu Aiq bfo suAwmI ik®pw isMDu pUrn rqnwgI ] You are Unfathomably Great and Utterly Vast, O my Lord and Master, Ocean of Mercy, Source of Jewels. nwnku jwcku hir hir nwmu mWgY msqku Awin DirE pRB pwgI ]2]7]18] Nanak, the beggar, begs for the Name of the Lord, Har, Har; he rests his forehead upon God's Feet. ||2||7||18|| |