Dhan sirandaa sachaa paatisaahu jin jag DhanDhai laa-i-aa
rwgu vfhMsu mhlw 1 Gru 5 AlwhxIAw (578-19)raag vad-hans mehlaa 1 ghar 5 alaahanee-aa Raag Wadahans, First Mehl, Fifth House, Alaahanees ~ Songs Of Mourning: |
DMnu isrMdw scw pwiqswhu ijin jgu DMDY lwieAw ] muhliq punI pweI BrI jwnIAVw Giq clwieAw ] When one's time is up, and the measure is full, this dear soul is caught, and driven off. jwnI Giq clwieAw iliKAw AwieAw ruMny vIr sbwey ] This dear soul is driven off, when the pre-ordained Order is received, and all the relatives cry out in mourning. kWieAw hMs QIAw vyCoVw jW idn puMny myrI mwey ] The body and the swan-soul are separated, when one's days are past and done, O my mother. jyhw iliKAw qyhw pwieAw jyhw purib kmwieAw ] As is one's pre-ordained Destiny, so does one receive, according to one's past actions. DMnu isrMdw scw pwiqswhu ijin jgu DMDY lwieAw ]1] Blessed is the Creator, the True King, who has linked the whole world to its tasks. ||1|| swihbu ismrhu myry BweIho sBnw eyhu pieAwxw ] Meditate in remembrance on the Lord and Master, O my Siblings of Destiny; everyone has to pass this way. eyQY DMDw kUVw cwir idhw AwgY srpr jwxw ] These false entanglements last for only a few days; then, one must surely move on to the world hereafter. AwgY srpr jwxw ijau imhmwxw kwhy gwrbu kIjY ] He must surely move on to the world hereafter, like a guest; so why does he indulge in ego? ijqu syivAY drgh suKu pweIAY nwmu iqsY kw lIjY ] Chant the Name of the Lord; serving Him, you shall obtain peace in His Court. AwgY hukmu n clY mUly isir isir ikAw ivhwxw ] In the world hereafter, no one's commands will be obeyed. According to their actions, each and every person proceeds. swihbu ismirhu myry BweIho sBnw eyhu pieAwxw ]2] Meditate in remembrance on the Lord and Master, O my Siblings of Destiny; everyone has to pass this way. ||2|| jo iqsu BwvY sMmRQ so QIAY hIlVw eyhu sMswro ] Whatever pleases the Almighty Lord, that alone comes to pass; this world is an opportunity to please Him. jil Qil mhIAil riv rihAw swcVw isrjxhwro ] The True Creator Lord is pervading and permeating the water, the land and the air. swcw isrjxhwro AlK Apwro qw kw AMqu n pwieAw ] The True Creator Lord is invisible and infinite; His limits cannot be found. AwieAw iqn kw sPlu BieAw hY iek min ijnI iDAwieAw ] Fruitful is the coming of those, who meditate single-mindedly on Him. Fwhy Fwih auswry Awpy hukim svwrxhwro ] He destroys, and having destroyed, He creates; by His Order, He adorns us. jo iqsu BwvY sMmRQ so QIAY hIlVw eyhu sMswro ]3] Whatever pleases the Almighty Lord, that alone comes to pass; this world is an opportunity to please Him. ||3|| nwnk ruMnw bwbw jwxIAY jy rovY lwie ipAwro ] Nanak: he alone truly weeps, O Baba, who weeps in the Lord's Love. vwlyvy kwrix bwbw roeIAY rovxu sgl ibkwro ] One who weeps for the sake of worldly objects, O Baba, weeps totally in vain. rovxu sgl ibkwro gwPlu sMswro mwieAw kwrix rovY ] This weeping is all in vain; the world forgets the Lord, and weeps for the sake of Maya. cMgw mMdw ikCu sUJY nwhI iehu qnu eyvY KovY ] He does not distinguish between good and evil, and wastes away this life in vain. AYQY AwieAw sBu ko jwsI kUiV krhu AhMkwro ] Everyone who comes here, shall have to leave; to act in ego is false. nwnk ruMnw bwbw jwxIAY jy rovY lwie ipAwro ]4]1] Nanak: he alone truly weeps, O Baba, who weeps in the Lord's Love. ||4||1|| |