maa-ee gobind poojaa kahaa lai charaava-o
gUjrI sRI rivdws jI ky pdy Gru 3 (525-11)goojree saree ravidaas jee kay paday ghar 3 Goojaree, Padas Of Ravi Daas Jee, Third House: |
dUDu q bCrY Qnhu ibtwirE ] PUlu Bvir jlu mIin ibgwirE ]1] The bumble bee has contaminated the flower, and the fish the water. ||1|| mweI goibMd pUjw khw lY crwvau ] O mother, where shall I find any offering for the Lord's worship? Avru n PUlu AnUpu n pwvau ]1] rhwau ] I cannot find any other flowers worthy of the incomparable Lord. ||1||Pause|| mYlwgr byrHy hY BuieAMgw ] The snakes encircle the sandalwood trees. ibKu AMimRqu bsih iek sMgw ]2] Poison and nectar dwell there together. ||2|| DUp dIp neIbydih bwsw ] Even with incense, lamps, offerings of food and fragrant flowers, kYsy pUj krih qyrI dwsw ]3] how are Your slaves to worship You? ||3|| qnu mnu Arpau pUj crwvau ] I dedicate and offer my body and mind to You. gur prswid inrMjnu pwvau ]4] By Guru's Grace, I attain the immaculate Lord. ||4|| pUjw Arcw Awih n qorI ] I cannot worship You, nor offer You flowers. kih rivdws kvn giq morI ]5]1] Says Ravi Daas, what shall my condition be hereafter? ||5||1|| |