dulabh janam punn fal paa-i-o birthaa jaat abibaykai
soriT rivdws jIau ] (658-8)sorath ravidaas jee-o. Raag Sorat'h, The Word Of Ravi Daas Jee: |
dulB jnmu puMn Pl pwieE ibrQw jwq AibbykY ] rwjy ieMdR smsir igRh Awsn ibnu hir Bgiq khhu ikh lyKY ]1] Tell me, without devotional worship of the Lord, of what use are mansions and thrones like those of King Indra? ||1|| n bIcwirE rwjw rwm ko rsu ] You have not considered the sublime essence of the Name of the Lord, our King; ijh rs An rs bIsir jwhI ]1] rhwau ] this sublime essence shall cause you to forget all other essences. ||1||Pause|| jwin Ajwn Bey hm bwvr soc Asoc idvs jwhI ] We do not know what we need to know, and we have become insane. We do not consider what we should consider; our days are passing away. ieMdRI sbl inbl ibbyk buiD prmwrQ prvys nhI ]2] Our passions are strong, and our discriminating intellect is weak; we have no access to the supreme objective. ||2|| khIAq Awn AcrIAq An kCu smJ n prY Apr mwieAw ] We say one thing, and do something else; entangled in endless Maya, we do not understand anything. kih rivdws audws dws miq prhir kopu krhu jIA dieAw ]3]3] Says Ravi Daas, Your slave, O Lord, I am disillusioned and detached; please, spare me Your anger, and have mercy on my soul. ||3||3|| |