kee visrahi dukh bahutaa laagai
Awsw mhlw 1 pMcpdy ] (354-14)aasaa mehlaa 1 panchpaday. Aasaa, First Mehl, Panch-Padas: |
duD ibnu Dynu pMK ibnu pMKI jl ibnu auqBuj kwim nwhI ] ikAw sulqwnu slwm ivhUxw AMDI koTI qyrw nwmu nwhI ]1] What is an emperor, without respect? The chamber of the soul is so dark, without the Name of the Lord. ||1|| kI ivsrih duKu bhuqw lwgY ] How could I ever forget You? It would be so painful! duKu lwgY qUM ivsru nwhI ]1] rhwau ] I would suffer such pain - no, I shall not forget You! ||1||Pause|| AKI AMDu jIB rsu nwhI kMnI pvxu n vwjY ] The eyes grow blind, the tongue does not taste, and the ears do not hear any sound. crxI clY pjUqw AwgY ivxu syvw Pl lwgy ]2] He walks on his feet only when supported by someone else; without serving the Lord, such are the fruits of life. ||2|| AKr ibrK bwg Buie coKI isMicq Bwau kryhI ] The Word is the tree; the garden of the heart is the farm; tend it, and irrigate it with the Lord's Love. sBnw Plu lwgY nwmu eyko ibnu krmw kYsy lyhI ]3] All these trees bear the fruit of the Name of the One Lord; but without the karma of good actions, how can anyone obtain it? ||3|| jyqy jIA qyqy siB qyry ivxu syvw Plu iksY nwhI ] As many living beings are there are, they are all Yours. Without selfless service, no one obtains any reward. duKu suKu Bwxw qyrw hovY ivxu nwvY jIau rhY nwhI ]4] Pain and pleasure come by Your Will; without the Name, the soul does not even exist. ||4|| miq ivic mrxu jIvxu horu kYsw jw jIvw qW jugiq nwhI ] To die in the Teachings is to live. Otherwise, what is life? That is not the way. khY nwnku jIvwly jIAw jh BwvY qh rwKu quhI ]5]19] Says Nanak, He grants life to the living beings; O Lord, please keep me according to Your Will. ||5||19|| |