du-ay kar jorh karee baynantee thaakur apnaa Dhi-aa-i-aa
gUjrI mhlw 5 ] (499-3)goojree mehlaa 5. Goojaree, Fifth Mehl: |
duie kr joiV krI byn�qI Twkuru Apnw iDAwieAw ] hwQ dyie rwKy prmysir sglw durqu imtwieAw ]1] Giving me His hand, the Transcendent Lord has saved me, and erased all my sins. ||1|| Twkur hoey Awip dieAwl ] The Lord and Master Himself has become merciful. BeI kilAwx Awn�d rUp hueI hY aubry bwl gupwl ]1] rhwau ] I have been emancipated, the embodiment of bliss; I am the child of the Lord of the Universe - He has carried me across. ||1||Pause|| imil vr nwrI mMglu gwieAw Twkur kw jYkwru ] Meeting her Husband, the soul-bride sings the songs of joy, and celebrates her Lord and Master. khu nwnk iqsu gur bilhwrI ijin sB kw kIAw auDwru ]2]6]15] Says Nanak, I am a sacrifice to the Guru, who has emancipated everyone. ||2||6||15|| |