naa-o parbhaatai sabad Dhi-aa-ee-ai chhodahu dunee pareetaa
pRBwqI mhlw 1 ] (1329-16)parbhaatee mehlaa 1. Prabhaatee, First Mehl: |
idsit ibkwrI bMDin bWDY hau iqs kY bil jweI ] pwp puMn kI swr n jwxY BUlw iPrY AjweI ]1] One who does not know the difference between vice and virtue wanders around uselessly. ||1|| bolhu scu nwmu krqwr ] Speak the True Name of the Creator Lord. Puin bhuiV n Awvx vwr ]1] rhwau ] Then, you shall never again have to come into this world. ||1||Pause|| aUcw qy Puin nIcu krqu hY nIc krY sulqwnu ] The Creator transforms the high into the low, and makes the lowly into kings. ijnI jwxu sujwixAw jig qy pUry prvwxu ]2] Those who know the All-knowing Lord are approved and certified as perfect in this world. ||2|| qw kau smJwvx jweIAY jy ko BUlw hoeI ] If anyone is mistaken and fooled, you should go to instruct him. Awpy Kyl kry sB krqw AYsw bUJY koeI ]3] The Creator Himself plays all the games; only a few understand this. ||3|| nwau pRBwqY sbid iDAweIAY Cofhu dunI prIqw ] Meditate on the Name, and the Word of the Shabad, in the early hours before dawn; leave your worldly entanglements behind. pRxviq nwnk dwsin dwsw jig hwirAw iqin jIqw ]4]9] Prays Nanak, the slave of God's slaves: the world loses, and he wins. ||4||9|| |