darsan naam ka-o man aachhai
dyvgMDwrI 5 ] (533-17)dayvganDhaaree 5. Dayv-Gandhaaree, Fifth Mehl: |
drsn nwm kau mnu AwCY ] BRim AwieE hY sgl Qwn ry Awih pirE sMq pwCY ]1] rhwau ] I have wandered everywhere, and now I have come to follow the Saint. ||1||Pause|| iksu hau syvI iksu AwrwDI jo idstY so gwCY ] Whom should I serve? Whom should I worship in adoration? Whoever I see shall pass away. swDsMgiq kI srnI prIAY crx rynu mnu bwCY ]1] I have sought the Sanctuary of the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy; my mind longs for the dust of their Feet. ||1|| jugiq n jwnw gunu nhI koeI mhw duqru mwie AwCY ] I do not know the way, and I have no virtue. It is so difficult to escape from Maya! Awie pieE nwnk gur crnI qau auqrI sgl durwCY ]2]2]28] Nanak has come and fallen at the Guru's feet; all of his evil inclinations have vanished. ||2||2||28|| |