da-y gusaa-ee meetulaa tooN sang hamaarai baas jee-o
rwgu gauVI bYrwgix mhlw 5 (203-6)raag ga-orhee bairaagan mehlaa 5 Raag Gauree Bairaagan, Fifth Mehl: |
dX gusweI mIqulw qUM sMig hmwrY bwsu jIau ]1] rhwau ] quJ ibnu GrI n jIvnw iDRgu rhxw sMswir ] Without You, I cannot live, even for an instant, and my life in this world is cursed. jIA pRwx suKdwiqAw inmK inmK bilhwir jI ]1] O Breath of Life of the soul, O Giver of peace, each and every instant I am a sacrifice to You. ||1|| hsq Al�bnu dyhu pRB grqhu auDru gopwl ] Please, God, give me the Support of Your Hand; lift me up and pull me out of this pit, O Lord of the World. moih inrgun miq QorIAw qUM sd hI dIn dieAwl ]2] I am worthless, with such a shallow intellect; You are always Merciful to the meek. ||2|| ikAw suK qyry sMmlw kvn ibDI bIcwr ] What comforts of Yours can I dwell upon? How can I contemplate You? srix smweI dws ihq aUcy Agm Apwr ]3] You lovingly absorb Your slaves into Your Sanctuary, O Lofty, Inaccessible and Infinite Lord. ||3|| sgl pdwrQ Ast isiD nwm mhw rs mwih ] All wealth, and the eight miraculous spiritual powers are in the supremely sublime essence of the Naam, the Name of the Lord. supRsMn Bey kysvw sy jn hir gux gwih ]4] Those humble beings, with whom the beautifully-haired Lord is thoroughly pleased, sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||4|| mwq ipqw suq bMDpo qUM myry pRwx ADwr ] You are my mother, father, son and relative; You are the Support of the breath of life. swDsMig nwnku BjY ibKu qirAw sMswru ]5]1]116] In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, Nanak meditates on the Lord, and swims across the poisonous world-ocean. ||5||1||116|| |