da-y gusaa-ee meetulaa tooN sang hamaarai baas jee-o

rwgu gauVI bYrwgix mhlw 5 (203-6)
raag ga-orhee bairaagan mehlaa 5
Raag Gauree Bairaagan, Fifth Mehl:

dX gusweI mIqulw qUM sMig hmwrY bwsu jIau ]1] rhwau ]
da-y gusaa-ee meetulaa tooN sang hamaarai baas jee-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O Dear Lord God, my Best Friend, please, abide with me. ||1||Pause||

quJ ibnu GrI n jIvnw iDRgu rhxw sMswir ]
tujh bin gharee na jeevnaa Dharig rahnaa sansaar.
Without You, I cannot live, even for an instant, and my life in this world is cursed.

jIA pRwx suKdwiqAw inmK inmK bilhwir jI ]1]
jee-a paraan sukh-daati-aa nimakh nimakh balihaar jee. ||1||
O Breath of Life of the soul, O Giver of peace, each and every instant I am a sacrifice to You. ||1||

hsq Al�bnu dyhu pRB grqhu auDru gopwl ]
hasat alamban dayh parabh gartahu uDhar gopaal.
Please, God, give me the Support of Your Hand; lift me up and pull me out of this pit, O Lord of the World.

moih inrgun miq QorIAw qUM sd hI dIn dieAwl ]2]
mohi nirgun mat thoree-aa tooN sad hee deen da-i-aal. ||2||
I am worthless, with such a shallow intellect; You are always Merciful to the meek. ||2||

ikAw suK qyry sMmlw kvn ibDI bIcwr ]
ki-aa sukh tayray sammlaa kavan biDhee beechaar.
What comforts of Yours can I dwell upon? How can I contemplate You?

srix smweI dws ihq aUcy Agm Apwr ]3]
saran samaa-ee daas hit oochay agam apaar. ||3||
You lovingly absorb Your slaves into Your Sanctuary, O Lofty, Inaccessible and Infinite Lord. ||3||

sgl pdwrQ Ast isiD nwm mhw rs mwih ]
sagal padaarath asat siDh naam mahaa ras maahi.
All wealth, and the eight miraculous spiritual powers are in the supremely sublime essence of the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

supRsMn Bey kysvw sy jn hir gux gwih ]4]
suparsan bha-ay kaysvaa say jan har gun gaahi. ||4||
Those humble beings, with whom the beautifully-haired Lord is thoroughly pleased, sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||4||

mwq ipqw suq bMDpo qUM myry pRwx ADwr ]
maat pitaa sut banDhpo tooN mayray paraan aDhaar.
You are my mother, father, son and relative; You are the Support of the breath of life.

swDsMig nwnku BjY ibKu qirAw sMswru ]5]1]116]
saaDhsang naanak bhajai bikh tari-aa sansaar. ||5||1||116||
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, Nanak meditates on the Lord, and swims across the poisonous world-ocean. ||5||1||116||