da-i-aa ma-i-aa kar paraanpat moray mohi anaath saran parabh toree
gauVI mhlw 5 ] (208-13)ga-orhee mehlaa 5. Gauree, Fifth Mehl: |
dieAw mieAw kir pRwnpiq mory moih AnwQ srix pRB qorI ] AMD kUp mih hwQ dy rwKhu kCU isAwnp aukiq n morI ]1] rhwau ] Please, give me Your Hand, and lift me up, out of the deep dark pit. I have no clever tricks at all. ||1||Pause|| krn krwvn sB ikCu qum hI qum smrQ nwhI An horI ] You are the Doer, the Cause of causes - You are everything. You are All-powerful; there is no other than You. qumrI giq imiq qum hI jwnI sy syvk ijn Bwg mQorI ]1] You alone know Your condition and extent. They alone become Your servants, upon whose foreheads such good destiny is recorded. ||1|| Apuny syvk sMig qum pRB rwqy Eiq poiq Bgqn sMig jorI ] You are imbued with Your servant, God; Your devotees are woven into Your Fabric, through and through. ipRau ipRau nwmu qyrw drsnu cwhY jYsy idRsit Eh cMd ckorI ]2] O Darling Beloved, they yearn for Your Name and the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan, like the chakvee bird which longs to see the moon. ||2|| rwm sMq mih Bydu ikCu nwhI eyku jnu keI mih lwK krorI ] Between the Lord and His Saint, there is no difference at all. Among hundreds of thousands and millions, there is scarcely one humble being. jw kY hIAY pRgtu pRBu hoAw Anidnu kIrqnu rsn rmorI ]3] Those whose hearts are illuminated by God, sing the Kirtan of His Praises night and day with their tongues. ||3|| qum smrQ Apwr Aiq aUcy suKdwqy pRB pRwn ADorI ] You are All-powerful and Infinite, the most lofty and exalted, the Giver of peace; O God, You are the Support of the breath of life. nwnk kau pRB kIjY ikrpw aun sMqn kY sMig sMgorI ]4]13]134] Please show mercy to Nanak, O God, that he may remain in the Society of the Saints. ||4||13||134|| |