ja-o pai ham na paap karantaa ahay anantaa
isrIrwgu rivdws jIau ] (93-15)sireeraag. ravidaas jee-o. Sree Raag: The Word Of Ravi Daas Jee: |
qohI mohI mohI qohI AMqru kYsw ] knk kitk jl qrMg jYsw ]1] We are like gold and the bracelet, or water and the waves. ||1|| jau pY hm n pwp krMqw Ahy An�qw ] If I did not commit any sins, O Infinite Lord, piqq pwvn nwmu kYsy huMqw ]1] rhwau ] how would You have acquired the name, 'Redeemer of sinners'? ||1||Pause|| qum@ ju nwiek AwChu AMqrjwmI ] You are my Master, the Inner-knower, Searcher of hearts. pRB qy jnu jwnIjY jn qy suAwmI ]2] The servant is known by his God, and the Lord and Master is known by His servant. ||2|| srIru AwrwDY mo kau bIcwru dyhU ] Grant me the wisdom to worship and adore You with my body. rivdws sm dl smJwvY koaU ]3] O Ravi Daas, one who understands that the Lord is equally in all, is very rare. ||3|| |