tai nar ki-aa puraan sun keenaa
swrMg prmwnMd jIau ] (1253-5)saarang parmaanand jee-o. Saarang Parmaanand Jee: |
qY nr ikAw purwnu suin kInw ] AnpwvnI Bgiq nhI aupjI BUKY dwnu n dInw ]1] rhwau ] Faithful devotion has not welled up within you, and you have not been inspired to give to the hungry. ||1||Pause|| kwmu n ibsirE k®oDu n ibsirE loBu n CUitE dyvw ] You have not forgotten sexual desire, and you have not forgotten anger; greed has not left you either. pr inMdw muK qy nhI CUtI inPl BeI sB syvw ]1] Your mouth has not stopped slandering and gossiping about others. Your service is useless and fruitless. ||1|| bwt pwir Gru mUis ibrwno pytu BrY ApRwDI ] By breaking into the houses of others and robbing them, you fill your belly, you sinner. ijih prlok jwie ApkIriq soeI AibidAw swDI ]2] But when you go to the world beyond, your guilt will be well known, by the acts of ignorance which you committed. ||2|| ihMsw qau mn qy nhI CUtI jIA dieAw nhI pwlI ] Cruelty has not left your mind; you have not cherished kindness for other living beings. prmwn�d swDsMgiq imil kQw punIq n cwlI ]3]1]6] Parmaanand has joined the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. Why have you not followed the sacred teachings? ||3||1||6|| |