tai nar ki-aa puraan sun keenaa

swrMg prmwnMd jIau ] (1253-5)
saarang parmaanand jee-o.
Saarang Parmaanand Jee:

qY nr ikAw purwnu suin kInw ]
tai nar ki-aa puraan sun keenaa.
So what have you accomplished by listening to the Puraanas?

AnpwvnI Bgiq nhI aupjI BUKY dwnu n dInw ]1] rhwau ]
anpaavnee bhagat nahee upjee bhookhai daan na deenaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Faithful devotion has not welled up within you, and you have not been inspired to give to the hungry. ||1||Pause||

kwmu n ibsirE k®oDu n ibsirE loBu n CUitE dyvw ]
kaam na bisri-o kroDh na bisri-o lobh na chhooti-o dayvaa.
You have not forgotten sexual desire, and you have not forgotten anger; greed has not left you either.

pr inMdw muK qy nhI CUtI inPl BeI sB syvw ]1]
par nindaa mukh tay nahee chhootee nifal bha-ee sabh sayvaa. ||1||
Your mouth has not stopped slandering and gossiping about others. Your service is useless and fruitless. ||1||

bwt pwir Gru mUis ibrwno pytu BrY ApRwDI ]
baat paar ghar moos biraano payt bharai apraaDhee.
By breaking into the houses of others and robbing them, you fill your belly, you sinner.

ijih prlok jwie ApkIriq soeI AibidAw swDI ]2]
jihi parlok jaa-ay apkeerat so-ee abidi-aa saaDhee. ||2||
But when you go to the world beyond, your guilt will be well known, by the acts of ignorance which you committed. ||2||

ihMsw qau mn qy nhI CUtI jIA dieAw nhI pwlI ]
hinsaa ta-o man tay nahee chhootee jee-a da-i-aa nahee paalee.
Cruelty has not left your mind; you have not cherished kindness for other living beings.

prmwn�d swDsMgiq imil kQw punIq n cwlI ]3]1]6]
parmaanand saaDhsangat mil kathaa puneet na chaalee. ||3||1||6||
Parmaanand has joined the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. Why have you not followed the sacred teachings? ||3||1||6||