raam naam gun gaa-ay lay meetaa har simrat tayree laaj rahai
rwmklI mhlw 5 ] (889-10)raamkalee mehlaa 5. Raamkalee, Fifth Mehl: |
qyrY kwij n igRhu rwju mwlu ] qyrY kwij n ibKY jMjwlu ] Your corrupt worldly entanglements will be of no use to you. iest mIq jwxu sB ClY ] Know that all your dear friends are fake. hir hir nwmu sMig qyrY clY ]1] Only the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, will go along with you. ||1|| rwm nwm gux gwie ly mIqw hir ismrq qyrI lwj rhY ] Sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord's Name, O friend; remembering the Lord in meditation, your honor shall be saved. hir ismrq jmu kCu n khY ]1] rhwau ] Remembering the Lord in meditation, the Messenger of Death will not touch you. ||1||Pause|| ibnu hir sgl inrwrQ kwm ] Without the Lord, all pursuits are useless. suienw rupw mwtI dwm ] Gold, silver and wealth are just dust. gur kw sbdu jwip mn suKw ] Chanting the Word of the Guru's Shabad, your mind shall be at peace. eIhw aUhw qyro aUjl muKw ]2] Here and hereafter, your face shall be radiant and bright. ||2|| kir kir Qwky vfy vfyry ] Even the greatest of the great worked and worked until they were exhausted. ikn hI n kIey kwj mwieAw pUry ] None of them ever accomplished the tasks of Maya. hir hir nwmu jpY jnu koie ] Any humble being who chants the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, qw kI Awsw pUrn hoie ]3] will have all his hopes fulfilled. ||3|| hir Bgqn ko nwmu ADwru ] The Naam, the Name of the Lord, is the anchor and support of the Lord's devotees. sMqI jIqw jnmu Apwru ] The Saints are victorious in this priceless human life. hir sMqu kry soeI prvwxu ] Whatever the Lord's Saint does, is approved and accepted. nwnk dwsu qw kY kurbwxu ]4]11]22] Slave Nanak is a sacrifice to him. ||4||11||22|| |