tooN jeevan tooN paraan aDhaaraa
sUhI mhlw 5 ] (739-9)soohee mehlaa 5. Soohee, Fifth Mehl: |
qUM jIvnu qUM pRwn ADwrw ] quJ hI pyiK pyiK mnu swDwrw ]1] Gazing upon You, beholding You, my mind is soothed and comforted. ||1|| qUM swjnu qUM pRIqmu myrw ] You are my Friend, You are my Beloved. icqih n ibsrih kwhU byrw ]1] rhwau ] I shall never forget You. ||1||Pause|| bY KrIdu hau dwsro qyrw ] I am Your indentured servant; I am Your slave. qUM Bwro Twkuru guxI ghyrw ]2] You are my Great Lord and Master, the treasure of excellence. ||2|| koit dws jw kY drbwry ] There are millions of servants in Your Court - Your Royal Darbaar. inmK inmK vsY iqn@ nwly ]3] Each and every instant, You dwell with them. ||3|| hau ikCu nwhI sBu ikCu qyrw ] I am nothing; everything is Yours. Eiq poiq nwnk sMig bsyrw ]4]5]11] Through and through, You abide with Nanak. ||4||5||11|| |