tooN jalniDh ham meen tumaaray
mwJ mhlw 5 ] (100-13)maajh mehlaa 5. Maajh, Fifth Mehl |
qUM jliniD hm mIn qumwry ] qyrw nwmu bUMd hm cwiqRk iqKhwry ] Your Name is the drop of water, and I am a thirsty rainbird. qumrI Aws ipAwsw qumrI qum hI sMig mnu lInw jIau ]1] You are my hope, and You are my thirst. My mind is absorbed in You. ||1|| ijau bwirku pI KIru AGwvY ] Just as the baby is satisfied by drinking milk, ijau inrDnu Dnu dyiK suKu pwvY ] and the poor person is pleased by seeing wealth, iqRKwvMq jlu pIvq TMFw iqau hir sMig iehu mnu BInw jIau ]2] and the thirsty person is refreshed by drinking cool water, so is this mind drenched with delight in the Lord. ||2|| ijau AMiDAwrY dIpku prgwsw ] Just as the darkness is lit up by the lamp, Brqw icqvq pUrn Awsw ] and the hopes of the wife are fulfilled by thinking about her husband, imil pRIqm ijau hoq An�dw iqau hir rMig mnu rMgInw jIau ]3] and people are filled with bliss upon meeting their beloved, so is my mind imbued with the Lord's Love. ||3|| sMqn mo kau hir mwrig pwieAw ] The Saints have set me upon the Lord's Path. swD ik®pwil hir sMig igJwieAw ] By the Grace of the Holy Saint, I have been attuned to the Lord. hir hmrw hm hir ky dwsy nwnk sbdu gurU scu dInw jIau ]4]14]21] The Lord is mine, and I am the slave of the Lord. O Nanak, the Guru has blessed me with the True Word of the Shabad. ||4||14||21|| |