sayvak kee ardaas pi-aaray
vfhMsu mhlw 5 ] (562-19)vad-hans mehlaa 5. Wadahans, Fifth Mehl: |
qU byAMqu ko ivrlw jwxY ] gur pRswid ko sbid pCwxY ]1] By Guru's Grace, some come to understand You through the Word of the Shabad. ||1|| syvk kI Ardwis ipAwry ] Your servant offers this prayer, O Beloved: jip jIvw pRB crx qumwry ]1] rhwau ] I live by meditating on Your Feet, God. ||1||Pause|| dieAwl purK myry pRB dwqy ] O my Merciful and Almighty God, O Great Giver, ijsih jnwvhu iqnih qum jwqy ]2] he alone knows You, whom You so bless. ||2|| sdw sdw jweI bilhwrI ] Forever and ever, I am a sacrifice to You. ieq auq dyKau Et qumwrI ]3] Here and hereafter, I seek Your Protection. ||3|| moih inrgux guxu ikCU n jwqw ] I am without virtue; I know none of Your Glorious Virtues. nwnk swDU dyiK mnu rwqw ]4]3] O Nanak, seeing the Holy Saint, my mind is imbued with You. ||4||3|| |