too daanaa too abichal toohee too jaat mayree paatee
rwmklI mhlw 5 ] (884-7)raamkalee mehlaa 5. Raamkalee, Fifth Mehl: |
qU dwnw qU Aibclu qUhI qU jwiq myrI pwqI ] qU Afolu kdy folih nwhI qw hm kYsI qwqI ]1] You are unmoving - You never move at all. How can I be worried? ||1|| eykY eykY eyk qUhI ] You alone are the One and only Lord; eykY eykY qU rwieAw ] You alone are the king. qau ikrpw qy suKu pwieAw ]1] rhwau ] By Your Grace, I have found peace. ||1||Pause|| qU swgru hm hMs qumwry qum mih mwxk lwlw ] You are the ocean, and I am Your swan; the pearls and rubies are in You. qum dyvhu iqlu sMk n mwnhu hm BuMch sdw inhwlw ]2] You give, and You do not hesitate for an instant; I receive, forever enraptured. ||2|| hm bwirk qum ipqw hmwry qum muiK dyvhu KIrw ] I am Your child, and You are my father; You place the milk in my mouth. hm Kylh siB lwf lfwvh qum sd guxI ghIrw ]3] I play with You, and You caress me in every way. You are forever the ocean of excellence. ||3|| qum pUrn pUir rhy sMpUrn hm BI sMig AGwey ] You are perfect, perfectly all-pervading; I am fulfilled with You as well. imlq imlq imlq imil rihAw nwnk khxu n jwey ]4]6] I am merged, merged, merged and remain merged; O Nanak, I cannot describe it! ||4||6|| |