tumree kirpaa tay japee-ai naa-o
gauVI mhlw 5 ] (192-12)ga-orhee mehlaa 5. Gauree, Fifth Mehl: |
qumrI ik®pw qy jpIAY nwau ] qumrI ik®pw qy drgh Qwau ]1] By Your Grace, I obtain a seat in Your Court. ||1|| quJ ibnu pwrbRhm nhI koie ] Without You, O Supreme Lord God, there is no one. qumrI ik®pw qy sdw suKu hoie ]1] rhwau ] By Your Grace, everlasting peace is obtained. ||1||Pause|| qum min vsy qau dUKu n lwgY ] If You abide in the mind, we do not suffer in sorrow. qumrI ik®pw qy BRmu Bau BwgY ]2] By Your Grace, doubt and fear run away. ||2|| pwrbRhm AprMpr suAwmI ] O Supreme Lord God, Infinite Lord and Master, sgl Gtw ky AMqrjwmI ]3] You are the Inner-knower, the Searcher of all hearts. ||3|| krau Ardwis Apny siqgur pwis ] I offer this prayer to the True Guru: nwnk nwmu imlY scu rwis ]4]64]133] O Nanak, may I be blessed with the treasure of the True Name. ||4||64||133|| |