maaDha-o satsangat saran tumHaaree
Awsw rivdws jIau ] (486-14)aasaa ravidaas jee-o. Aasaa, Ravi Daas Jee: |
qum cMdn hm ierMf bwpury sMig qumwry bwsw ] nIc rUK qy aUc Bey hY gMD sugMD invwsw ]1] From a lowly tree, I have become exalted; Your fragrance, Your exquisite fragrance now permeates me. ||1|| mwDau sqsMgiq srin qum@wrI ] O Lord, I seek the Sanctuary of the company of Your Saints; hm Aaugn qum@ aupkwrI ]1] rhwau ] I am worthless, and You are so benevolent. ||1||Pause|| qum mKqUl supyd spIAl hm bpury js kIrw ] You are the white and yellow threads of silk, and I am like a poor worm. sqsMgiq imil rhIAY mwDau jYsy mDup mKIrw ]2] O Lord, I seek to live in the Company of the Saints, like the bee with its honey. ||2|| jwqI ECw pwqI ECw ECw jnmu hmwrw ] My social status is low, my ancestry is low, and my birth is low as well. rwjw rwm kI syv n kInI kih rivdws cmwrw ]3]3] I have not performed the service of the Lord, the Lord, says Ravi Daas the cobbler. ||3||3|| |