mayray saahib tooN mai maan nimaanee

sUhI mhlw 5 ] (749-12)
soohee mehlaa 5.
Soohee, Fifth Mehl:

quDu iciq Awey mhw An�dw ijsu ivsrih so mir jwey ]
tuDh chit aa-ay mahaa anandaa jis visrahi so mar jaa-ay.
When You come to mind, I am totally in bliss. One who forgets You might just as well be dead.

dieAwlu hovih ijsu aUpir krqy so quDu sdw iDAwey ]1]
da-i-aal hoveh jis oopar kartay so tuDh sadaa Dhi-aa-ay. ||1||
That being, whom You bless with Your Mercy, O Creator Lord, constantly meditates on You. ||1||

myry swihb qUM mY mwxu inmwxI ]
mayray saahib tooN mai maan nimaanee.
O my Lord and Master, You are the honor of the dishonored such as me.

Ardwis krI pRB Apny AwgY suix suix jIvw qyrI bwxI ]1] rhwau ]
ardaas karee parabh apnay aagai sun sun jeevaa tayree banee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I offer my prayer to You, God; listening, listening to the Word of Your Bani, I live. ||1||Pause||

crx DUiV qyry jn kI hovw qyry drsn kau bil jweI ]
charan Dhoorh tayray jan kee hovaa tayray darsan ka-o bal jaa-ee.
May I become the dust of the feet of Your humble servants. I am a sacrifice to the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan.

AMimRq bcn irdY auir DwrI qau ikrpw qy sMgu pweI ]2]
amrit bachan ridai ur Dhaaree ta-o kirpaa tay sang paa-ee. ||2||
I enshrine Your Ambrosial Word within my heart. By Your Grace, I have found the Company of the Holy. ||2||

AMqr kI giq quDu pih swrI quDu jyvfu Avru n koeI ]
antar kee gat tuDh peh saaree tuDh jayvad avar na ko-ee.
I place the state of my inner being before You; there is no other as great as You.

ijs no lwie lYih so lwgY Bgqu quhwrw soeI ]3]
jis no laa-ay laihi so laagai bhagat tuhaaraa so-ee. ||3||
He alone is attached, whom You attach; he alone is Your devotee. ||3||

duie kr joiV mwgau ieku dwnw swihib quTY pwvw ]
du-ay kar jorh maaga-o ik daanaa saahib tuthai paavaa.
With my palms pressed together, I beg for this one gift; O my Lord and Master, if it pleases You, I shall obtain it.

swis swis nwnku AwrwDy AwT phr gux gwvw ]4]9]56]
saas saas naanak aaraaDhay aath pahar gun gaavaa. ||4||9||56||
With each and every breath, Nanak adores You; twenty-four hours a day, I sing Your Glorious Praises. ||4||9||56||