tumree ot tumaaree aasaa
Awsw mhlw 5 ] (378-5)aasaa mehlaa 5. Aasaa, Fifth Mehl: |
quJ ibnu Avru nwhI mY dUjw qUM myry mn mwhI ] qUM swjnu sMgI pRBu myrw kwhy jIA frwhI ]1] You are my Friend and Companion, God; why should my soul be afraid? ||1|| qumrI Et qumwrI Awsw ] You are my support, You are my hope. bYTq aUTq sovq jwgq ivsru nwhI qUM sws igrwsw ]1] rhwau ] While sitting down or standing up, while sleeping or waking, with every breath and morsel of food, I never forget You. ||1||Pause|| rwKu rwKu srix pRB ApnI Agin swgr ivkrwlw ] Protect me, please protect me, O God; I have come to Your Sanctuary; the ocean of fire is so horrible. nwnk ky suKdwqy siqgur hm qumry bwl gupwlw ]2]30] The True Guru is the Giver of peace to Nanak; I am Your child, O Lord of the World. ||2||30|| |