tikh boojh ga-ee ga-ee mil saaDh janaa
kwnVw mhlw 5 Gru 7 (1305-9)kaanrhaa mehlaa 5 ghar 7 Kaanraa, Fifth Mehl, Seventh House: |
iqK bUiJ geI geI imil swD jnw ] pMc Bwgy cor shjy suKYno hry gun gwvqI gwvqI gwvqI drs ipAwir ]1] rhwau ] The five thieves have run away, and I am in peace and poise; singing, singing, singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, I obtain the Blessed Vision of my Beloved. ||1||Pause|| jYsI krI pRB mo isau mo isau AYsI hau kYsy krau ] That which God has done for me - how can I do that for Him in return? hIau qum@wry bil bly bil bly bil geI ]1] I make my heart a sacrifice, a sacrifice, a sacrifice, a sacrifice, a sacrifice to You. ||1|| pihly pY sMq pwie iDAwie iDAwie pRIiq lwie ] First, I fall at the feet of the Saints; I meditate, meditate, lovingly attuned to You. pRB Qwnu qyro kyhro ijqu jMqn kir bIcwru ] O God, where is that Place, where You contemplate all Your beings? Aink dws kIriq krih quhwrI ] Countless slaves sing Your Praises. soeI imilE jo Bwvqo jn nwnk Twkur rihE smwie ] He alone meets You, who is pleasing to Your Will. Servant Nanak remains absorbed in his Lord and Master. eyk qUhI qUhI qUhI ]2]1]37] You, You, You alone, Lord. ||2||1||37|| |