taa kaa daras paa-ee-ai vadbhaagee
gauVI mhlw 5 ] (193-5)ga-orhee mehlaa 5. Gauree, Fifth Mehl: |
qw kw drsu pweIAY vfBwgI ] jw kI rwm nwim ilv lwgI ]1] by those who are lovingly absorbed in the Lord's Name. ||1|| jw kY hir visAw mn mwhI ] Those whose minds are filled with the Lord, qw kau duKu supnY BI nwhI ]1] rhwau ] do not suffer pain, even in dreams. ||1||Pause|| srb inDwn rwKy jn mwih ] All treasures have been placed within the minds of His humble servants. qw kY sMig iklivK duK jwih ]2] In their company, sinful mistakes and sorrows are taken away. ||2|| jn kI mihmw kQI n jwie ] The Glories of the Lord's humble servants cannot be described. pwrbRhmu jnu rihAw smwie ]3] The servants of the Supreme Lord God remain absorbed in Him. ||3|| kir ikrpw pRB ibnau sunIjY ] Grant Your Grace, God, and hear my prayer: dws kI DUir nwnk kau dIjY ]4]67]136] please bless Nanak with the dust of the feet of Your slave. ||4||67||136|| |