gaa-o gaa-o ree dulhanee mangalchaaraa
Awsw kbIr jIau ] (482-2)aasaa kabeer jee-o. Aasaa Kabeer Jee: |
qnu rYnI mnu pun rip kir hau pwcau qq brwqI ] rwm rwie isau Bwvir lYhau Awqm iqh rMig rwqI ]1] I take my marriage vows with the Lord, my King; my soul is imbued with His Love. ||1|| gwau gwau rI dulhnI mMglcwrw ] Sing, sing, O brides of the Lord, the marriage songs of the Lord. myry igRh Awey rwjw rwm Bqwrw ]1] rhwau ] The Lord, my King, has come to my house as my Husband. ||1||Pause|| nwiB kml mih bydI ric ly bRhm igAwn aucwrw ] Within the lotus of my heart, I have made my bridal pavilion, and I have spoken the wisdom of God. rwm rwie so dUlhu pwieE As bfBwg hmwrw ]2] I have obtained the Lord King as my Husband - such is my great good fortune. ||2|| suir nr muin jn kauqk Awey koit qyqIs aujwnW ] The angles, holy men, silent sages, and the 330,000,000 deities have come in their heavenly chariots to see this spectacle. kih kbIr moih ibAwih cly hY purK eyk Bgvwnw ]3]2]24] Says Kabeer, I have been taken in marriage by the One Supreme Being, the Lord God. ||3||2||24|| |